Rachel McAdams Joins The Doctor Strange Cast Officially

Watch out Doctor Strange a Mean Girl is heading your way in the big screen.


The Wrap reports and confirms that Rachel McAdams has officially joined the cast via Twitter.

Up to then, McAdams was only in talks to join and the actress wasn’t sure if the deal was done but it seems as if it is now!


Doctor Strange begins filming in November and opens on November 4, 2016.

D23 Expo 2015: Marvel Destroys Audience With Killer Reveals For Civil War and Doctor Strange

Is anyone still alive after everything Marvel fans witnessed or heard from D23 Expo 2015?

Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige kicked off Disney’s D23 Expo Panel by giving some Marvel Scoop On What To Expect. Here it is.


Doctor Strange News:

Benedict Cumberbatch, Doctor Strange’s portrayer, wasn’t able to head out to the Expo but dropped a video for fans of him, stating,

He’s an extraordinary character, brings in a whole other dimension—hmm, multiple dimensions—to the Marvel universe. A mind-blowing experience… Girls, cars, explosions, astral projection into multiple realms. The usual.

Since production hasn’t started, it will start in November, they had no footage to provide. However, Kevin was able to unveil concept art with Entertainment Weekly’s Anthony Breznican sharing in detail what they showed,

Images in the concept art reel reveal the classic origin story: a wounded surgeon seeking alternate ways to heal his destroyed hands finds his way to a mystical Eastern sanctuary that leads him to an order that holds the keys to another dimension.

Captain America: Civil War News:

Anthony Mackie (Falcon) hit the stage right after Doctor Strange’s segment ended with Chris Evans (Captain America) by his side afterwards! Both of whom were joking about set videos on their phones but Feige ultimately shared some footage to the audience that is from the production.They also revealed that the Captain America sequel only has one week of production for filming left.

Here’s what it is,

Here’s what we see: The new Avengers are in buildings overlooking a crowded market in what appears to be a third-world country. “Eyes on target, folks,” Captain America says. Falcon says, “Red Wing, launch,” and a small drone hovers free and dives down to the street, swooping beneath a truck, which is loaded with explosives. Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson is in a café.) “It’s a battering ram,” she says. The team closes in, and the truck opens up—revealing Crossbones, a.k.a. Brock Rumlow (played by Frank Grillo, from The Winter Soldier). He spots Cap moving in and throws a magnetic bomb onto Cap’s vibranium shield. Cap thinks fast, throwing the shield into the sky just as it detonates.

He is now unarmed, and Crossbones pummels him. The rest of Crossbones’ crew springs to action. Falcon blocks machine gun fire with his wings. Black Widow flips through the air, sending bad guys flying. Crossbones grips Cap and slams him into a concrete wall. He leers at the hero from behind a metallic, skull-shaped masked. “You dropped a building on my face,” he snarls, a reference to the conclusion of The Winter Soldier. Cap rips his gauntlet off and pushes free, then tears off the metal mask. Crossbones kneels, defeated, and mutters: “You know … he remembered you. Your pal … your buddy … Your Bucky.” Turns out, Captain America does have a weak spot.

From there we get the Marvel Studios logo and cut to William Hurt as Secretary of State Thaddeus Ross—the former general, known as the nemesis of The Incredible Hulk. “The world owes you an unpayable debt,” Ross says as images of past heroism play onscreen. “While a great many people see you as a hero, there are some who prefer the word vigilante. People are afraid.” Cap is indignant. “This job, we try to save as many as we can. Sometimes that doesn’t mean everybody,” he says. Then we see a shot familiar to anyone who waited for the end credits scene after Ant-Man. The Winter Soldier himself, Cap’s old friend Bucky Barnes (played by Sebastian Stan), is trapped in a warehouse with his metallic arm locked in a vice. “Buck … You know me?” The assassin whose mind was wiped in the previous Captain America movie looks up. “My mom’s name was Sarah,” he says. “You used to wear newspapers in your shoes.” Then we get a reunion between Cap and another powerful being: Robert Downey Jr.’s Iron Man. “Sometimes I want to punch you in your perfect teeth,” he says.

Something has happened. Something that can’t be undone. The world wants heroes to stay heroes, but they need to be regulated. Controlled. We see a flash of heroes. Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen), Paul Bettany as The Vision (wearing street clothes! A dapper suit), Jeremy Renner’s Hawkeye striking a pose with his bow and arrow, Chadwick Boseman as T’Challa—in regular clothes, and also in his Black Panther armor, complete with gloves that extend razor-sharp blades from the fingernails.

As we see various teams of powerful beings running at each other, the footage cuts to another van—this one with Paul Rudd’s Ant-Man inside. He meets Cap and totally geeks out. “Captain America…” he says, awestruck, shaking his idol’s hand. And shaking it some more. And then some more. “I’m shaking your hand too long,” he says. Pinwheeling around, he looks at Scarlet Witch. “I know you, too!” Ant-Man says. “You’re great!” He tries to play it cool. “I want to say I know you know a lot of super people, so thinks for thanking of me,” he says. Then pauses. Blinks. “Thanks for thinking of me,” he corrects himself.

Variety had a little more description as well,

The action-packed reel positioned Evans’ Steve Rogers/Captain America and his team of Avengers (including Black Widow/Natasha Romanoff, Falcon/Sam Wilson and Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff) against Robert Downey Jr.’s Iron Man and Don Cheadle’s War Machine, with Avenger pitted against Avenger in a brutal battle near the end of the trailer. “Are we still friends?” Scarlett Johansson’s Natasha Romanoff asks Renner’s Clint Barton/Hawkeye at one point during the brawl. “Depends how hard you hit me,” Clint quips.

The disagreement between the former allies seems to stem from a speech delivered by William Hurt’s General “Thunderbolt” Ross, who tells Steve, “The world owes you an unpayable debt — a great many people see you as a hero, but there are some who prefer the word vigilante. People are afraid.”

In one scene, Downey’s Tony Stark tells Evans’ Steve, “Sometimes I wanna punch you in your perfect teeth.” In a turnaround from “Age of Ultron,” Tony seems to be arguing for more accountability from the superheroes.

The footage also showed Frank Grillo in costume as the villainous Crossbones during a brutal fight with Cap, with Crossbones tossing Cap against cars and gloating about Steve’s former friend Bucky (Sebastian Stan). “He remembered you, you know — your pal, your buddy, your Bucky.” The trailer delivered on the promise of “Captain America: Winter Soldier” and the stinger at the end of “Ant-Man,” showing Bucky shedding his Winter Solider programming to join forces with Cap in the fight against Iron Man.

The footage didn’t show Tom Holland’s Spider-Man, but did show “Ant-Man” star Paul Rudd as Scott Lang meeting Captain America for the first time, and thoroughly geeking out.

No confirmed news concerning whether the teaser will be released online but attendees have commented that Marvel Studios plan to do so sometime today or later this upcoming week.


Spider-Man (played by Tom Holland) was not teased as many had hope with his appearance something many are anxious to see. And finally here is the new official logo for Captain America: Civil War.


Sources: Entertainment Weekly , Variety

Captain America: Civil War hits theaters on May 6, 2016.